nurse checking visa

Health requirements for visas to Australia

Long term visas, including family, employment and work related visas, require the applicants all meet a stringent health standard. There are limits to the cost of any medical care, and the type of care allowed. If you or any family member does not pass the medical the application will be rejected.

This visa medical is a critical part of your application for visa to Australia. It is equally important as the other requirements: your age, finance, job, qualifications and so on. Yet a visa medical examination, and the final health decision, commonly does not occur until late in the application process, when you have planned, and prepared, and paid for much of the process.

You must pass your visa medical to be successful.

It makes sense to know in advance if there is any health condition which may impact your ability to pass the medical. Typical problems are for a unknown condition to be found at the medical, or for a known seemingly mild condition to be refused because of costs or potential future care.

It is much more difficult to deal with the situation after the medical, when you need to scramble to put together information to support your application. It is much more difficult to deal with successfully.

This is critical, so check your health. Take the quick screening by a health professional. It will help you know of any risk you have, and get any medical help that is needed. When there is a health condition you will be best at your medical if you are prepared with reports and records.

The importance of health is clear: and equally the wisdom of considering health early in the planning stages of visa application.

before your visa medical

You can take a simple screening to know if you or a family member is at risk. You are invited to request the simple screening here.

If you know there is a health problem you can have an independent health check early in your application process with Visa Medical Associates . This helps with visa planning, and guides the best health information to take to your medical. As well as specialist reports, this can be a report written by a doctor who understands the medical criteria you must meet.

after your visa medical

If you have had a potential Fail Notice, or demand for further information, your time frame to respond is very strict. You should get expert guidance. You are now well into the visa application process, and will want to do the best you can to have your visa approved.

There is detailed information for Australia at Visa Medical Associates . You can be assisted by an experienced doctor: assessments, risk analysis, gathering specialist documents, and your own expert report to submit. You can contact us for more information. If you've had a Notice after your medical, please do so, as soon as possible.

    Key points

  • ▹ Everyone on the application must meet health
  • Consider health especially
  • if you or a family member:
  •   -are on medication
  •   -have had specialist treatment
  •   -have had cancer
  •   -or may need surgery
  •   -the elderly
  •   -disability pension
  •   -special needs children
  • Australia

applicants checking rules