Information and Guidance


Visa Health Requirements

Welcome - Visa Medical Screening and Advice

Screening Tool

The Screening tool Link evaluates your health and personal situation in relation to the visa health requirements for your particular visa. It is designed to identify any potential problem with the health requirement, and to advise on any specific health concern you have.

It is helpful when you have a medical condition that seems relatively minor, or under control, but it is wise to check there are no risk factors for you.

Even for an apparently healthy individual it can be wise to check if there are any factors in your profile that might call for additional attention at your medical.

What it involves

The advice you receive

Next steps

Request a Screening Questionnaire. Contact Us for assistance or with questions.

The Direct online access is coming soon For the present please use the Contact Form

    To pay using GBP (British Pounds) coming soon

    after paying the fee you will be directed to the online questionnaire

    To pay using AUD (Australian Dollars)coming soon

    after paying the fee you will be directed to the online questionnaire

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